Sunday, June 14, 2015


Portfolio updates.

Sold off my SIIC environment at price 0.21 making a profit of around $120 nett. around 20% profit.

Opened the UOB one account and thinking of closing my existing Tx account due to the bonus interest and all. however, the UOB one account would require me to have a balance of $500. if not they will charge an interest of $2 per month.

started my new job recently with salary adjustment of 18% from my previous job. i have been thinking whether is this a good move on my part. because it was a difficult decision for me to take.

completed my exam for paper 6 7 8 of ACCA. Tax, financial reporting and audit and assurance.

exam venue changed and hall 9 was such a bad experience for me. candidates have to wait outside the hall and the hot sun makes it really uncomfortable to do any last minute revision.

anyway. glad that it was over and i plan to enroll just one paper f9. financial management this december because i had no confidence on my this 3 papers. i am expecting to retake some. and its time to slow down. hopefully i can reach my target of completing the entire ACCA by the end of 2016.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

my portfolio as of december 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

is fraser commerical hospitality trust worth buying? starting ipo price at 0.88. ending bid in 10 July'14
inital plan was to bid 10 lots, however the more i listen to people around the lesser lots i felt like buying and investing with feeling is kinda stupid. i will make the decision on 8th of july'14

Monday, June 16, 2014

My Cimb bank account is now offically opened. earning 0.8% p.a. is a good start. i applied for giro application on the day itself to avoid having the hassle of having to remember to keep an increasing amount so as to avoid the min. interest rate to fall back to 0.5% p.a.

Last thursday just received another piece of good news! i managed to pass my final 2 module for my degree!!!. i am just waiting for the offical transcript and then its time to proceed on to phase 2 of my plan.

My Acca F4(Law) will be out in August and hopefully i will manage to clear that as well.

Total expenses for today approx $30.

i will be keeping track of my total expenses for 3 months and take the average so as to have a better insight of my expenses and possible to cut down on certain areas of my expense.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Just registered for Acca Examination on 28 June 2014 for F2- Management Accounting.
on the way also register for classes for F5 (Performance Management) and F7(Financial Reporting)
total cost spent today including lunch adds up to 180+1083+10 = $1,273.00.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My love to her I silently profess.
Watching as she smiles and dreams;
She brings me to stillness and peace,
Like that of a slow flowing stream.
I smile as I quietly reflect;
I’ve been handed a sweet princess,
A sweet princess to love and to protect.
A vow to myself I make,
As she quietly sleeps away;
To love and always cherish her,
Until my last breath... until my last day.
- Michael Brieck -

Friday, August 21, 2009

people ask me why it's so hard to trust people,
and i ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise
the perfect example of betrayal.